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2022-06-30 17:00:03 来源:网友投稿




  扒窃,拒捕,没有身份证 Pickpocketing, resisting arrest, no ID. 没有人能离开莫林根 No one gets out of Moringen. 教堂上个月遭到轰炸 The church was bombed last month. 他说我们可以把它放在这里 He said we could hold it here. 丹,杰克,你的儿子 看在上帝的份上!

 Dan, Jack, your son. For God"s sake! 吹坦克!

 - 停止!


 - Blow tanks! - Stop! Don"t blow them yet! 一名德国水手死亡 A German sailor has died. 不是与敌人英勇作战,而是因为你 Not in heroic battle with the enemy but because of you. 我听到了船的声音 我本可以阻止它 I heard the ship. I could have stopped it. 你是 U-Boot 人?

 - 是的 - You"re a U-Boot man? - Yes. 我还有妻子和孩子 我不想淹死 I still have a wife and kids. I don"t want to drown. 你已经见过吉斯先生了 You"ve already met Mr Giese. 我丈夫在这里工作 他不赌博 My husband works here. He doesn"t gamble. 我们必须找到叛徒 We have to find the traitor. 贝克 Beck. 如果不作证,后果自负 If you don"t testify accordingly there will be consequences. 先生,我们不是这样的!

 Sir, that"s not how we do it! 我就是这样做的,第一 That"s how I do it, Number One. 爸爸? 你喜欢它吗? Dad? Do you like it? 爸爸? Dad?

 你喜欢它吗? 爸爸? Do you like it? Dad? 爸爸? Dad? 你在做什么? What are you doing? 我正在整理东西 I"m sorting things out 去孤儿院一无所有的孩子 to go to the orphanage for children with nothing. 不 No. 这些不是玩具 These are not toys. 有人来收 Someone"s coming to collect them. 告诉他们没有什么可以收集的 Tell them there"s nothing to collect. 所以你要我和他们住在一起? So you"re asking me to live with them? 我不是假装他从未存在过 I"m not pretending he never existed. 我听说了造船厂发生的事情 I heard what happened at the dockyards. 他们来了 They had it coming. 可能是这样 That may be so. 但如果这对你来说意味着更多的时间,和我在一起...... But if it means more time for you here, with me... 休息 to rest. 我会把这些放回去 I"ll put these back. 电报 Telegram. 你想牺牲男孩 You want to sacrifice the boys. 那将是一个谎言 That would be a lie. 如果你相信谣言

 If you believe the rumors 你只是用谎言逃离了行刑队 you only escaped the firing squad with lies. 在你拜访我岳父之后 After your visit to my father-in-law 我的妻子非常担心他 my wife was very worried about him. 他认为日志是伪造的 He thinks the logbook is forged. 啊 Ah. 他用现在时谈论他的儿子 And he talked about his son in the present tense. 仿佛他还活着 As if he were still alive. 我做了我能做的 I did what I could. 方向舵坏了 The steering rudder is wrecked. 我看到了莱辛 I saw Lessing. 和? And? 这场糟糕的战争越来越糟糕 This shitty war keeps getting shittier. 我必须得到这个 I have to get this 船再次适航 boat seaworthy again. 你还好吗? You okay? 告诉 pipsqueak 它不会再发生了 Tell the pipsqueak it won"t happen again. 我也可以在该死的莫林根做到这一点 I could have done this in bloody Moringen too. 然后被阉♥割♥,嗯?

 - 不要胡说八道,哈里 - And get castrated, huh? - Don"t talk shit, Harri. 这都是该死的 CO 的错 This is all the damn CO"s fault. 不要指望他会受到指责 Don"t expect him to get the blame.

 但他是罪魁祸首 But he was to blame. 谁问你的,嗯? Who asked you, huh? 你必须了解这个世界是如何运作的,懦夫 You"ve got to understand how the world works, Wimp. 你们四个,和我一起 You four, with me. 现在,在我改变主意之前 Now, before I change my mind. 你的最后一次巡逻,你登上了 U-Boot Your last patrol, you boarded a U-Boot. 那是对的

 - 发生了什么? - That is correct. - What happened? 我的 XO 陪伴着我 I was accompanied by my XO. 违反常规 In breach of standing orders. 任何有价值的东西都被摧毁了 Anything of value had been destroyed 由船上的德国♥军♥官 by the German officers on board. CO 试图使用他的 The CO attempted to use his 枪对着我,所以我开枪打死了他 firearm against me, so I shot him. 接着? And then? 我登上了“毅力号♥”,下令将 U-Boot 沉没 I boarded the "Perseverance" and ordered the U-Boot sunk. 幸存者? Survivors? 没有 There were none. 那是为什么? Why was that? 因为我让他们淹死了 Because I left them to drown. 事情就是这样,斯威本 Here"s the thing, Swinburne. 它正在大西洋达到顶峰

 It"s coming to a head in the Atlantic. 邓尼茨正在全力以赴 Dönitz is throwing all he has to 试图打破车队路线 try to break the convoy route. 狼群正在以前所未有的方式聚集 Wolf packs are gathering like never before. 我们拥有与他们作战的武器 We have the weapons to fight them. 但护送人员需要合适的人 But the escorts need the right men 以正确的态度带领他们 with the right attitude leading them. 无法改变我的感觉,先生 Can"t change the way I feel, sir. 为什么我们要你改变? Why would we want you to change? 我们要做的就是扭转局面 What we want to do is turn the tables. 使用车队作为诱饵,将 U-Boots 吸引到他们身上 Use the convoys as bait, draw the U-Boots onto them 然后积极追求他们 and then actively pursue them. 现在我们有了硬件,我们把防御变成了攻击 Now we have the hardware, we turn defense into attack. 我们不能保护每个车队中的每条船, We can"t protect every boat in every convoy, 所以它归结为简单的数学 so it comes down to simple math. 我们失去了 50 艘护航船,他们失去了一个 U-Boot, We lose 50 convoy ships and they lose one U-Boot, 他们赢了 they win. 但是制♥作♥那十个 U 型靴,就另当别论了 But make that ten U-Boots, it"s a different story. 一个有正确结局的 One with the right ending. 我们需要像您这样久经考验的 U-Boot 杀手 We need proven U-Boot killers like you 去做他们擅长的事情 to go and do what they"re good at.

 来自高层的新订单 New orders from the top. 最顶 The very top. 目前正在组装 Convoy ONS185 is currently assembling. 确保您和您的工作人员 Make sure you and your crew 准备护送它 are ready to escort it. 您需要随时准备好新装备 You"ll need to work up the new gear as you go. 在改装码头发生了一起事故 There was an incident down at the refit docks. 我们没有收到任何投诉 We"ve received no complaint. 你想做一个吗? Do you want to make one? 不,先生 No, sir. 伟大的 我会帮你的 Great. I"ll give you a hand. 看那边 Look over there. 他在那

 - 是的 - There he is. - Yes. 正确的 Right. 我应该进去吗?

 - 是的 - Should I go in? - Yes. 滚开,孩子们 Cast off, boys. 我钓到了一条鱼!

 I caught a fish! 保利,现在是你 Pauli, now you. 让我们把酒瓶举给这艘船的新船长 Let"s raise our bottles to the new captain of this boat. 范妮·努斯迈尔!

 - 谢谢!

 Fanny Nussmeier! - Thanks! - 干杯!

 - 给范妮

 Cheers! - To Fanny. 干杯

 - 看这里 - Cheers. - Look here. 很好 Very good. 干杯 Cheers. 新船长将掌舵 The new captain is going to the helm. 战争结束后,我会给自己买♥♥条船 When the war"s over I"ll buy myself a boat. 帆船,不是... A sailing boat, not a... 看你现在说什么!

 Watch what you say now! 我要航行整个波罗的海 I"m going to sail the entire Baltic Sea. 只是波罗的海? 我要去环球航行 Just the Baltic? I"m going to sail across the globe. 你呢,哈里? And you, Harri? 你的计划是什么? What are your plans? 嗯…… Hm... 我想要一所像我长大的房♥子 I"d like a house like the one I grew up in. 和一个家庭 And a family. 喜欢你 Like you. 我们不是…… - 我们不是一家人 We"re not... - We"re not a family. 这里

 - 谢谢 - Here. - Thanks. 呃,少尉? Erm, Sub-Lieutenant? 嗯,有传言说... Well, the rumors that... 你不会游泳... that you can"t swim...


 - 不对!

 - I haven"t got around to it. - Not true! 我能教你 I can teach you. 我们必须尽快出发 We have to set off soon. 一切都好? Everything okay? 钓鱼,日落,航行,这是... Fishing, sunset, sailing, it"s... 这一切都太过分了 It"s all way too much. 你是什么意思? How do you mean that? 我想你从来没有在街上乞讨过 I assume you"ve never begged on the street. 没有 Nope. 每天有 100 或 1,000 人路过您 Every day 100 or 1,000 people walk by you. 他们中的一些人停下来交谈 Some of them stop and talk to 你喜欢他们是你最好的伙伴 you like they"re your best mate. 好像这可能会有所帮助 As if that might help. 有些人移开视线 Some people look away. 他们根本看不到你 They don"t see you at all. 但是你知道谁是最糟糕的吗? But do you know who the worst ones are? 最糟糕的是那些看着你的人 The worst ones are the ones who look at you. 因为他们看到你,你也看到他们,而且... Because they see you and you see them, and... 有那么一会儿,你认为他们会帮助你 for a brief moment you think they"ll help you. 但随后他们也将目光移开 But then they look away too. 他们觉得很...

 They feel so... 如此内疚 so guilty. 就像你现在一样 Like you right now. 你知道我想知道什么吗? Do you know what I wonder? 为什么你会感到内疚? Why do you feel guilty? 飞吧,小天使,飞吧!

 Fly, little angel, fly! 飞吧,小天使,飞吧? Fly, little angel, fly? 好的

 - 好的 好的 - All right. - All right. Okay. 飞吧,小天使,飞吧!

 Fly, little angel, fly! 哇!

 那是很高的 再次?

 - 再次!

 - Wow! That was high. Again? - Again! 邀请男孩们来这里,真是太好了 Inviting the boys here, that was nice. 哈里告诉我关于矿山的事 Harri told me about the mine. 他说你救了所有人的命 He said you saved everyone"s lives. 我很高兴我们都还在这里 I"m just happy that we"re all still here. 然后也发生了碰撞 And then there was a collision too. 那不应该发生 That shouldn"t have happened. 指挥官实在是太年轻了 The commander is simply far too young. 他们会解除他的指挥权吗? Are they going to relieve him of his command? 但他们不能送他出去 But they can"t send him out 如果他不能成为 U-Boot 的队长 if he can"t captain a U-Boot. 这对男孩不公平

 - 这都不公平!

 - It"s not fair to the boys. - None of it"s fair!

 如果我能做任何事... If I could do anything at all... 你是个好人,罗伯特·埃伦伯格 You"re a good man, Robert Ehrenberg. 如果你能做某事,你就会去做 If you could do something, you would do it. 好的!

 - 再见!

 - All right! - Bye! 来吧,妈妈 我们也回家吧 Come on, Mum. Let"s go home too. 最后 一个作战计划 Finally. A battle plan. 有了这些新武器,他们将成为逃亡者 With these new weapons they"ll be the ones on the run. 你什么时候离开?

 - 尽快 - And when do you leave? - Soon as I can. 他们想让我回到那里 They want me back out there. 进入一场比以往任何时候都更加艰难的战争 Into a war that"s going to be fought harder than ever. 我很高兴你恢复了胃口 I"m glad that you"ve got your appetite back. 我很高兴你说了更多 I want to be glad you"ve said more 在过去的半个小时里对我来说比你回来后得到的还要多 to me in the last half hour than you have since you got back. 但我希望这是因为我做了什么 But I wish it was because of something I"ve done. 你还有这个吗? You got any more of this? 但事实并非如此 这是因为战争 But it"s not. It"s because of the war. 我好疑惑 Makes me wonder. 想知道什么? Wonder what? 如果你真的希望这场战争结束 If you ever really want this war to end. 毫米 哦!

 Mm. Oh! 我似乎很幸运

 I seem to be lucky. 下...

推荐访问:Das Boot《从海底出击(2020)》第三季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 出击 海底 剧本
